Jane, physically, is petite, buxom, and has big crazy blonde curls. She was overtly sexual in Courtly Love, perhaps using her sexuality to prove that she really was all grown up. I mean, she's tiny and had gone from the care of her parents into the care of an elderly husband. I chose Heather Graham as the physical model. She has a somewhat childlike face, but there is nothing childish about her figure. Man. It was hard finding a not super sexy image.
I couldn't find a good scene that told us who Jane really was (besides a flirt), so I decided to interview her. I did not participate in the blogfest awhile back about interviewing your character, so this was fun.
Erin: With us today is Mistress Jane Ratclyffe. She is a twenty year-old widow and currently serving as a gentle-woman companion to Mistress Frances Pierrepont of Holme Pierrepont, Nottinghamshire. Jane, thank for you agreeing to speak with me today.
Jane: I am happy to be speaking. It has been over a year since anyone spoke to me.
Erin. I know. We last saw you heading back to Holme Pierrepont with Frances Pierrepont. I believe you were planning to stay there and enjoy the Christmas season with the family.
Jane: That is true. Frances and I became good friends during our time together at Hampton Court. I had hoped that the friendship would continue when we returned to the country.
Erin: Are you no longer friends? What happened?
Jane: Oh, no – of course we are friends still. She is just… distracted by her husband. Seriously, the two are like rabbits. I’ve begun coughing loudly before I enter any room. It’s rather disgusting.
Jane: Oh, no – of course we are friends still. She is just… distracted by her husband. Seriously, the two are like rabbits. I’ve begun coughing loudly before I enter any room. It’s rather disgusting.
Erin: Come now, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?
Jane: I’m not saying I don’t enjoy myself – but I’ve never been besotted. Really, the way they look at each other and always find a reason to touch the other one, that’s a little ridiculous.
Jane: I’m not saying I don’t enjoy myself – but I’ve never been besotted. Really, the way they look at each other and always find a reason to touch the other one, that’s a little ridiculous.
Erin: I think it sounds nice. It must be wonderful to be in love.
Jane: Love is overrated.
Erin: I did not realize you were a cynic. Last I heard you talk about it, you sounded very idealistic.
Jane: I’m not a cynic, I’m a realist. Besides, I was talking about sex, not love. There's a difference.
Erin: Okay, so Jane is a realist. What else don’t we know about you?
Jane: Well, you don’t know very much, do you? I mean you know about my liaisons at the palace. You know I’m a widow…
Erin: Yes, tell me about that.
Jane: There’s not much to tell. My parents contracted my marriage to a neighboring landowner. I was sixteen. He was fifty-three. I married him because my father said I should. I became lady of the manor. I wish he had been a knight, for then I would have been Lady Ratclyffe instead of Mistress Ratclyffe. But he had a comfortable house and I had everything I needed, so it was fine.
Erin: Were you happy with him?
Jane: I was not unhappy. He was a kind gentleman. I think he was rather embarrassed about the whole thing. My parents owed him money, he wanted an heir to take over his landholdings and there weren’t a lot of options. I think he felt the distance in years between us as keenly as I did. But he was gentle with me.
Jane: I was not unhappy. He was a kind gentleman. I think he was rather embarrassed about the whole thing. My parents owed him money, he wanted an heir to take over his landholdings and there weren’t a lot of options. I think he felt the distance in years between us as keenly as I did. But he was gentle with me.
Erin: This is just based on my knowledge of your behavior at the palace, but I would guess that he did not turn you against passion.
Jane: No. As I said, he was kind. Of course, when it comes to passion, I have enjoyed my widowhood more than my duties as a wife. He was very old.
Erin: How long were you married?
Jane: Two years. He died of apoplexy. I was not surprised – he had lost energy and strength in the year before his death. I was sad that I never game him his son.
Erin: Do you blame yourself for that?
Jane: No. Do you think I should?
Erin: Er… uh, well, society in your era did put the responsibility of fertility 100% on the woman.
Jane: No. Do you think I should?
Erin: Er… uh, well, society in your era did put the responsibility of fertility 100% on the woman.
Jane: True – but he never seemed displeased with me. And he was so much older, our interludes were not always successful. Can we change the subject?
Erin: Almost. One last question about that chapter of your life – did you wish to marry… what was his name?
Jane: Edward Ratclyffe. No, I did not wish to marry him, but that is neither here nor there.
Jane: Edward Ratclyffe. No, I did not wish to marry him, but that is neither here nor there.
Erin: Did you have other suitors?
Jane: Yes. Please change the subject.
Erin: Okay -- I'm sorry. Let's see... Ah. Do you hope to marry again?
Jane: Yes, I do. But this time I will choose for myself.
Jane: Yes, I do. But this time I will choose for myself.
Erin: Do you have someone in mind?
Jane: Not yet -- when I was at court over Michaelmas I played around a bit, but nothing serious. Between the groom and the guardsman I had a good time. Next time I go to court, I will be more of a lady and only settle for nobleman.
Erin: Marriage was a tricky business in Elizabethan England. A lot of them were contracted alliances. Love matches were rare. I don't know what you expect, given that you're untitled and penniless...
Jane: That's not true -- I have my widow's portion. One-third of my husband's assets.
Erin: But that's nothing. How do you plan to entice a noble husband?
Jane: Frances has been tutoring me on ladylike behavior and courtly manners. When I go to court again, it will be when I'm ready to be a fashionable, sophisticated, and elegant lady. It seems I have a natural talent for seduction, but this time, they will have to buy the cow.
Jane: Frances has been tutoring me on ladylike behavior and courtly manners. When I go to court again, it will be when I'm ready to be a fashionable, sophisticated, and elegant lady. It seems I have a natural talent for seduction, but this time, they will have to buy the cow.
Erin: What about love?
Jane: -sigh- Love only leads to heartbreak and sadness. Love is not a basis for marriage. Besides, I will love being a lady. Ha! Don't worry for me -- I won't aim too high. But look at Lady Shrewsbury. She was born no better than I, and now she's a countess! It's not impossible.
Jane: Well, Erin, I think our interview is done. You need to go work on Mary's story. I do miss her -- get her back to Holme Pierrepont as soon as you can. In the meantime, I'll lurk around the manor, work on my letters and study the classics -- a lady should be educated, you know. When you write my story, please humor me and do not dredge up my past. My story should be about my future -- the future that I am making for myself.
An intriguing character, and probably an interesting book to come.
That was very cool. I love character interviews because they give so much more insight than the book does. I like Jane already!
I love Jane's voice! Well done.
You have a great character there. Thanks for participating
You know you want to write more about her.
That is an interesting approach I hadn't thought about for the blogfest. Great idea to interview a side character. Well done and she is a very interesting character. I'd read a book with her as the main character.
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