Thank you to Nicole at One Significant Moment at a Time for hosting this Bernard Pivot Blogfest. You know, when I think of Behind the Actor's Studio, I always think of the Robin William's episode where he took complete control of the show. That, and the SNL spoofs.
Anyhow, the premise is to participate in a questionnaire as if I were being interviewed by Mr. Lipton himself. Not being as animated or high as Robin Williams*, I will just stick to the questions.
- What is your favorite word? Spelunk
- What is your least favorite word? You sure you want to know this? Okay... well, you strangers who don't know me now will think I'm quite foul when I'm only occasionally foul. And, if I were on the show, the word would be bleeped out. Ready? Oh, I can't do it. But it starts with a C. The last letter is a T. The two letters in between are N and U, not necessarily in that order. I hate that word. Got it? Good. Moving on.
- What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Feelings of accomplishment (whether it's a well taught lesson or a scene that almost wrote itself). Songs by Duran Duran and A-ha. Wilson Creek's Almond Champagne. Spa treatments. Good cheese. Down time. Critique group meetings.
- What turns you off? Issues hanging over me like the sword of Damocles. For example, right now I have a massive amount of grading to do. Things not going as planned can get me so stressed out I get sick to my stomach. Yeah, I need to address my anxiety issues.
- What is your favorite curse word? I say Jesus Christ a lot. Why? Because years ago I decided the "Lord's name in vain" was really open to interpretation (a sentiment supported by my religious studies in college) and it really offended my mother back in the day because she took it very seriously.
- What sound or noise do you love? I love the sound of rain and wind against the window. I live in the desert in So. California, so it's a rare sound and always brings me back to my childhood. White noise machines don't work the same way.
- What sound or noise do you hate? Any gagging, slurping, mucousy sound. It may very well make me vomit.
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I would like to be a full time, well paid, prolific romance novelist. :)
- What profession would you not like to do? Anything with customer service. I did my time and no longer have the cheery disposition to smile at jerks.
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Erin, I understand your doubts and lack of faith. Heck, I gave those characteristics to you and would have been disappointed if you had chosen complacency. Plus, it says a lot that you were a good person without the dangling carrot of salvation. So, remember how I said I'd never leave you or forsake you? It's true! Come on in to paradise."
This is only section one of the episode of Behind the Actor's Studio listed above. Robin Williams doesn't even give Mr. Lipton a chance to ask a question. Well worth watching
*Disclaimer: I believe this episode happened long after Robin William's drug issues. "High" merely worked to describe the behavior.