
Showing posts with label silly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silly. Show all posts

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Naughty, Naughty Me

Today I packed up my classroom and completed all the check-out procedures at my school. While I waited for my exit interview with my principal, I decided to work on one of my blog posts on a school computer. Our filters are really ineffective, but they worked today and I was blocked. Not only was I blocked, I was given a summary of all the reasons.

Wow. I guess this is what I blog about. I'm pretty daring. One might even say I'm naughty. The block made me laugh, but I couldn't explain it to my colleague because a parent walked in.

I'm not sure what else there is to say, Diladele Web Safety said it all. I do wonder, though, why the terms 'free,' 'petite,' 'tour,' and 'teen' were blocked. As for 'blonde,' that goes without saying.

Maybe this should be part of my blog tag line.

Spock Writes Romance
The blog where you'll find erotic sexual content such as anal fetish porn, twats and more twats, rape, fetishes, blonde whores, sluts with fingers, full frontal, a few more whores, and much, much more!

Man, I hate the word twat.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Gillian, What's Your Sign?

As I flesh out my characters, one of the tools I use to keep myself from making them archetypal is an astrological chart. I give my characters a birthday and accept the random character traits astrology lists. I already know the basics. For example, as a Leo, Gillian is confident and a little pushy. She is comfortable performing and enjoys the recognition for her talents. This is currently causing her some grief in her academic studies because her British professor has discounted her as a dumb American. Her chart added some traits that balance out her drive to succeed. Her moon in Jupiter gives her "great optimism and an ability to bounce back easily from negative experiences" -- which is important given that her husband died of Leukemia and she's uprooted her life to follow her dreams.  Her Mercury being in Virgo helps in her research with the University of Cork College in that she has "a fine mind and a great appetite for detail. [She] appreciate minute differences and distinctions and take a very surgical approach to your operations." True to her Leonine traits, her Mercury squares Mars making her a forceful and dynamic communicator who sometimes can be too aggressive. Luckily her sun is in the 12th house, making her serious and ready to sacrifice herself for the needs of other.

Whether or not you think astrology is bunk, the character traits have been really useful. I need to run my male lead's chart. I know that Sergeant Liam Hurley of Glangashaboy garda is an Aries and very compatible with a Leo, but would find more information helpful in developing him further.

For more detail on Gillian's astrological chart or, more importantly, to look at the various facets of a cahrt, continue reading. For those of you who don't care (and hey, I get that), don't continue reading.

Happy writing.

Note: I used the astrological chart generator linked above. For those of you that might really be into this as a religion/science and have thoughts on the accuracy of the chart generator, I don't really care. Since Gillian is not a real person, it's only important as a tool for me.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Recycled Post: You Know You Write Historical Romance When...

I just came across this post, originally aired 5/31/2011 and decided it deserved to be re-shared. I added some of the original reader commentary.

You Know You Write Historical Fiction When...

  1. You find yourself using "anon" in everyday conversation.*
  2. You have words like "bumroll" and "farthingale" added to your spell-check's dictionary.*
  3. You actually own a bumroll or farthingale.*
  4. You programed auto-correct to change all "qe" to "Queen Elizabeth." *
  5. You cannot stand perfectly good period movies because of the fabric choices.
  6. You have become more lax about food sitting out because, hey, five hundred years ago there was no refrigeration.
  7. You find yourself inserting interesting historical facts that have nothing to do with your story and feel like you are doing your readers a disservice when you delete the unrelated history lesson later.
  8. You cannot stand reading a perfectly good historical romance because of the fabric choices (and, in a disappointed rage, may or may not have written a strongly worded letter to the author about his/her responsibility to the reader to portray their era with accuracy).
  9. You understand why many authors do not touch on anything to do with hygiene.
  10. You think nothing is wrong with having a beer at breakfast.
Just in case you wondered what a bumroll was.
Feel free to expand upon this list.

Sidenote: This post could also be titled, "You Know You Take Renaissance Faire Too Seriously When..."

* I write Elizabethan historical romance. Please feel free to insert whatever era appropriate terminology to make this relevant to your writing.
end original post .....................................................................................................................
Thank you to Kathleen and Mary for adding the following points:

Kathleen said... I love #8! OK, how about these:

11.You make up all sorts of reasons about how your widowed heroine is actually a virgin.

12.You figure out plausible excuses to explain why your widowed heroine (who is not a virgin) might respond like a virgin in a love scene.

13.You suspend reality to make every virginal heroine's first time fabulous and multi-orgasmic.

Interestingly, I can only think of sexual examples. Hmmmmm.... should I be worried?

I think #9 needs this add-on: "Not only do you understand, you agree and ensure that your main characters take more baths during the course of your story than most people of their era took in their lifetimes.
mary said...
OK, how about this:

You know the years each swear word came into common use.

You insist on capitalizing "she" when it refers to the Queen.

You know more about the laws of the 16th century than the ones today.

Am I on the right track?
 And Laura added a comment about her genre, mystery.
Laura M. Campbell said...
It's funny how serious writers take their genre and craft. I'm a mystery writer and I'm doing research on serial killers and I like to point out their is a distinction between psychopath and sociopath. I also know a thing or two about finger prints and trace evidence. The things swirling around in my head could make for a frightening story. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Naked I Came From My Mother's Womb

Warning -- some might find this blasphemous or, at the very least, irreverent. Read on at your peril.

There was a woman in the land of Yuppies whose name was Erin; and that woman was imperfect but curvaceous, and one that feared socialized healthcare and eschewed Jehovah Witnesses during dinner time. Her substance was solid, yet jiggly in spots, and she had a mediocre, middle class household; so that this woman was fair to middling in her general social strata.

Now there was a day when the powers that be had a pow-wow. They considered the woman, Erin. They knew there were none like her in the earth. They decided to screw with her most mightily.

And there was a day when her husband was returning from bowling. A phone call came unto Erin and said, “Shit, I was just in an accident,” and the Uninsured Teenager’s father’s car fell upon Brian’s Camry and there was damage. Before that was yet resolved, the editor with the publisher interested in Erin’s book, Courtly Scandals, for whom Erin had made revisions and waited with great expectation, left the employ of the publisher. Then the new editor came unto Erin via e-mail and rejected the manuscript. And while Erin was still disappointed, she fell down the stairs. The great fall smote her foot and she was unable to walk upon it for 8 weeks. And while that foot was still healing, a great Jeep failed to stop in time on the 163 South and crashed mightily into the rear of Erin’s favorite van, causing both the bumper and lift gate to be replaced, and later, the stereo. And while the replacement was underway and Erin’s smote foot was healing, Erin’s boss came unto her, to inform her that the Mosaic program Erin had been instrumental in developing and been teaching in for the past four years was being dissolved. But lo, the boss promised a comparable job for next year, but could not say what it would be. Then Erin arose, albeit on wobbly feet, and did not tear her clothes or shave her head or exclaim anything meaningful.

Again there was a day when Erin returned to teaching and there was much grading to be done and retraining of the students who, in Erin’s absence, erroneously considered her their buddy and not an authority figure. Erin was glad she did not shave her head. And then the school year ended without issue, but Erin and her children were smote with a dreadful illness. And then, while still suffering from the cold, Erin’s doctor spoke of menopause and requested an ultrasound of the female bits. Thus Erin scheduled her probing without rejoicing. Then, while she waited, she received a letter from EDD denying a large portion of her disability. Erin wrote a letter of appeal and swore mightily.

And while Erin was awaiting the violating procedure with distaste and not buying groceries, a Volvo did misjudge her action whilst waiting to turn right on a red and bumped into the new bumper of her favorite van. And in this, Erin was pissed off. She yelled a foul word, unheard by her children.

The rest of this chapter is unwritten. I hope the stupid sequence of unfortunate events end here.

I have always found the Book of Job odd. It’s the only one in the Bible that shows a conversation between God and Satan – so it reads more like Hebrew mythology to me than the inspired word of God. I’ve always gotten a kick out of the pissing contest nature of it. In line with other culture's deities, it shows how much havoc pride can cause. I imagine the group that included it in the Bible decided it was a good allegorical message about holding on to faith in the face of disaster. In fact, in looking for images, I found this (I edited it just a little; however, if you were going to be offended by this post, you probably are already -- so what's one swear word?).

All jesting aside, good things have happened this year as well. Counting my blessings just wouldn’t have worked with the theme of Job. BTW, I do know that many people have it worse than I do. I was just having some fun.
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