
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Once More Into the Breach

The A-Z blogfest really worked a number on my goove.

I usually check my blog, write and schedule a couple to post, respond to comments, and check the blogs I follow before I get settled in to a writing mode.  It can take a while, but it keeps me connected and allows my train of thought to settle on more writerly thoughts.

With the A-Z blogfest I wrote twenty-four posts and scheduled them before the month of April began. The only posts I wrote during the month were M and Q.  Coupled with April's ridiculously busy schedule, this meant I spent a very minimal time in the blogosphere. I was terrible of checking the other A-Z posts and did not even follow up with my own comments until after I had completed all 26 letters.

While this was not good in the world of blogging, it was even more detrimental toward my current projects. I have hardly written anything for a month. A month! I had hoped to finish Courtly Abandon by the end of the school year (6/10) and that day is rapidly approaching. So, with this blog post I hope to reestablish my mojo and jump back into the fray. I will post this shortly, then check other blogs, then (duh-duh-duhhHH!) write.  Tonight I will write a good thousand words of quality story. I will write forward without going back to add Jane's father into chapter five or change Baron Whosit's name.  I will press on and be productive.  It will be wonderful.

That said, now I have to actually do it.  So, without further ado, here I go.

Wish me luck. :)


Stacy McKitrick said...


Lindsay Gage Natale said...

Well, if it means more blog posts, I am all for it! Love your stuff Erin :) Good luck with finishing your book!!! Yay!

Sarah Mäkelä said...

You can do it! I know what you mean about the A to Z Challenge. I didn't have them scheduled, which I wish I'd done at least a few in advance of. But it was still a hectic month. lol

I really enjoyed connecting with you during the A to Z Challenge. I have a Versatile Blogger award for you at my blog!

mary said...

Good luck retrospectively!! How did it turn out? You can't leave us hanging like this!!

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