
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Who Do I Write Like?

I found this quiz on someone's blog. I always love these little quizzes, particularly when I do not have to give them authorization to access all my personal information just so I can find out what my aura is and/or what dog I am.

This one seemed neat, so I took it. You cut and paste a few paragraphs of your writing and it analyzes your style and likens you to an author.

I used one ms, my wip, Courtly Christmas. It is written in 3rd person alternating, past perfect. I switch pov between my leading woman and man. The speech is formal, but written in modern English.

That said, I write like:

I write like
Lewis Carroll
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

And then I decided to scroll ahead in my doc and post a few more paragraphs for analysis. I did this several times. Mind you, the same ms. I write like:

I write like
Annie Rice
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Dan Brown
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Gertrude Stein
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
William Shakespeare
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Kurt Vonnegut
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I figured if I was schizophrenic, it would have manifested itself by now. So it must be just my writing.

Each section was based on sequential paragraphs from the first thirteen pages of my first book. For honesty's sake, I have to admit I got Gertrude Stein five or six times in a row (mostly during dialogue).

Someday, there will be some cheesy online quiz where people get randomly told they write like Erin Kane Spock.


Angela McCallister said...

I totally did this too. It was pretty fun, though I question the accuracy. I used excerpts from my blog and from both of my WIPs. Mine were fairly consistent, regardless of the source. I almost always came up with Cory Doctorow. I've never read his books, but now I'm curious. I also got Stephanie Meyer twice and Dan Brown once.

Thanks for visiting my blog and following. I'm on your followers list now. Happy writing!

February Grace said...

OMG. This is absolutely frightening...because I have a blog post set to auto-publish in a few days that has my own "schizophrenic" results from that thing too- all in a row just like you posted them! I got so behind blogging about things I needed to post first that I put it off- now I don't have to post it because yours is better! I love it.

I actually tried scenes from both of my manuscripts, my blog, and shorter fiction I've done, male and female perspectives. I came out as:

George Orwell
Charles Dickens
Cory Doctorow
Anne Rice
and Neil Gaiman.

Then, I gave up.

My conclusion was same as yours, I must just write like me because I've never even read anything by three of these people. I am now interested in Doctorow's book about the Magic Kingdom though...

Loved this post.


Erin Kane Spock said...

Angela: lol
I've never even heard of Doctorrow. Does that make me not as well read as I had thought?

Bru: It seems to happen that bloggers frequently end up blogging about similar topics at similar times, completely separate from each other. I can think of no reason other than:
a) the phase of the moon
b) or we all recently read the same thing and it inspired a similar thought process.

yeah, I have a backlog of incomplete blogs in the edit new post file. I also have things scheduled that I had forgotten about writing. I'm just going to let them do their thing.

You should post yours anyway -- we don't have all the same followers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and I was supposed to write like Dan Brown. That's what came up for everything I put in. I wasn't impressed. My stuff isn't anything like his.

If you're interested in what I've written, you can see ch1 of 'Lethal Inheritance' (YA fantasy) at

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