- You find yourself using "anon" in everyday conversation.*
- You have words like "bumroll" and "farthingale" added to your spell-check's dictionary.*
- You actually own a bumroll or farthingale.*
- You programed auto-correct to change all "qe" to "Queen Elizabeth." *
- You cannot stand perfectly good period movies because of the fabric choices.
- You have become more lax about food sitting out because, hey, five hundred years ago there was no refrigeration.
- You find yourself inserting interesting historical facts that have nothing to do with your story and feel like you are doing your readers a disservice when you delete the unrelated history lesson later.
- You cannot stand a perfectly good historical romance because of the fabric choices (and, in a disappointed rage, may or may not have written a strongly worded letter to the author about his/her responsibility to the reader to portray their era with accuracy).
- You understand why many authors do not touch on anything to do with hygiene.
- You think nothing is wrong with having a beer at breakfast.
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Just in case you wondered what a bumroll was. |
Sidenote: This post could also be titled, "You Know You Take Renaissance Faire Too Seriously When..."
* I write Elizabethan historical romance. Please feel free to insert whatever era appropriate terminology to make this relevant to your writing.