
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Go Go Go!

The school year is off to a good start. I've been constantly on the go and haven't had time to breathe, let alone time to think. Or blog.

I've started a virtual writing club for my students. I'm using blogspot. It's only visible to authors or by invitation, so it's secure and the kids seem excited. I'm really pleased about it. That also means I need to actually take my YA project more seriously because I sure can't post stuff from my romances. :)

Speaking of Romance, Golden Heart will be here before you know it. That means it's time, really time, to get cracking on finishing Courtly Abandon. Honestly, I do work better with something hanging over my head. I set my own deadlines, but I always know that they're flexible. Getting ready for Golden Heart is not something I can just choose to change the date on.

So, that's my update. Life is GOGOGO,  but it's a good thing. I'm pleased with the direction of my writing and feel optimistic about things to come.

How's everything going for you right now?

1 comment:

Stacy McKitrick said...

Did you know that Darynda Jones finished "First Grave on the Right" for the Golden Heart? She said if it weren't for that contest, she might not have had the motivation to finish it.

You do know that book is published now, don't you? I really enjoyed reading it, too (and look forward to the sequel).

Good luck in finishing. I hope the Golden Heart gives you the motivation you need.

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