In my last “this house is disgusting” episode followed by
frantic cleaning, I actually made use of the laundry hamper in my bathroom.
Usually I sort loads out on the floor
near the hamper, but very rarely put laundry in it and close the lid. I
know. The idea is that I’ll wash those loads if they’re in my face. Obviously,
it doesn’t always happen in a timely matter. I’m sure you have opinions about
this. So does my husband.

Today, after I cleared away the shoe boxes that somehow
ended up stacked on top of the closed laundry hamper, I discovered a hidden
stash of clothes. Happy Underwear Christmas! It was with a sense of relief that
I closed the door on my washer and turned it on. Tonight I will wear cotton! Thank God.
I’m in the home stretch of laundry, dry cleaning, and
shopping in preparation for Romance Writers of America 2013 conference in Atlanta .
The conference clothes are occupying a different section of my closet than my
every day wear and, now that I see everything together, I realize I have more
than I need. Even so, chances are good I may buy a grey blazer tomorrow. I have
my travel size items and my packing cubes just arrived today. Very exciting. Thank you, Erin Knightley.
Amidst all of this hoopla I’m still writing forward in
Touching the Past and applying beta reader edits to Possessing Karma. Last year
I approached the conference with a desperate optimism. This year, upon last
year’s lack of results, I’m a little more relaxed about the process and I hope
that translates into real confidence rather than forced exuberance (“I know my
writing’s good” vs. “LIKE ME!”).
We shall see. As for now I’m looking forward to underwear.
I hope you have fun at the conference! I know what it's like to have clothes hiding in a hamper somewhere. I laughed at your underwear christmas!
The laundry marathon strikes too close to my own laundry collection! I love the photo...too funny.
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