Even thinking about it stresses me out.
I was so excited and gung-ho to participate. I was going to make amazing progress and show myself how prolific I could be when I was focused.
And then I realized that it was physically possible to finish my w.i.p. for this year's Golden Heart, and buckled down to get that done. As result, I wrote about 22k over the month of October. 22k in a month is not as impressive as 50k, but it's a chunk of words and helped me make my point to myself. And I finished Courtly Scandals and started my edits. My book will not be at 100% polish, but it shouldn't embarrass me.
The problem I have is that I'm hosting a class for my students for YWP NaNo. It's a little embarrassing to not make my word goal when I'm encouraging them to write every day to achieve their's.
I did go ahead and take a brain break from Courtly Scandals and started pantsing something for NaNo, but it's 23 days into November and a paltry 1800 words is a drop in the ocean.
How's NaNo going for you?
1 comment:
S l o w l y. And I'm not used to it. First year I joined late and wrote 51K in ten days. Last year, I wrote 82K in 21 total days writing time (with a couple mandatory eye breaks thrown in). As of tonight I'm still like 5K or something 'behind' though sick as I've been this year it's a miracle I've written anything.
NaNo's not for everybody and it doesn't say anything IMO about your ability to be productive- heck, I think it's way more difficult to 'buckle down' and finish a WIP like you did in October (Yay you!!!) than to take Shiny New Idea out for a total joyride not caring about editing or dare I say quality to hit wordcount(though I do care and I admit I do edit as I go...can't help it.)
You did the hard thing. Talk to your students about that- and encourage them to see that the real work starts in December.
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