My personal milestone as an author are as follows:
- The day I sat down at the computer and actually wrote my first chapter instead of just thinking about it and planning it. I knew I was a writer.
- The day I reached my 100th page. I thought about all those term papers when I had stressed over having to write 20 pages. Ha!
- The day I wrote my first sex scene. I thought it would be easy. It wasn't.
- The day I threw out my original first chapter and wrote a new one. I cried. Cried. Here was the first 24 pages I had written as an aspiring author -- and I was kicking it to the curb and replacing it with 11 pages of dialogue and action. But how would anyone understand my story without understanding the social mores of Elizabethan England? It needed to happen.
- The day I finished my first book.
- The day I really finished my first book.
- The day I really really finished my first book.
- The day I started my second book.
- The day I got to page 100 of my second book.
I like to think the next major milestone (that deviates from the pattern above) will be either getting an agent or a publisher. And then I can finally get my pedicure (it will be 2 years in August -- my poor toes).
Some good milestones. Perhaps you could get the pedicure first? I'm sure agents are attracted by nice toes.
I agree, those are great milestones you've got there.
Did you promise yourself not to get a pedicure until you get an agent/publisher?
Those are awesome goals Erin. I remember a lot of those in my own aspiring writer career. I've only written one chapter of the fantasy novel - that was several months ago - and I'll probably do a happy dance once the second chapter is finally written.
Thanks for participating in my blogfest.
Those are some awesome milestones indeed. It's great to see the progress of another writer. Good luck as you continue the process and reach for those new milestones.
I enjoyed your bullet list of milestones and it was a unique way to go about the post, as most of us have written prose. Most of us can also compare your feats to our own. The one at the bottom? The day my manuscript was accepted! See you around.
"the day I really really finished my first book"
LOL! I can so relate to that...love it.
Thank you for sharing your milestones, and good luck on those you've still got your sights set on!!!
oh, and the puppy picture is killing me! I want all three of them...
that and "your comments validate me" at the end of your comment form? ROFL. I'm so glad I found your blog- love the title too!
Very neat bullet-point post.
Love the carrot rather than stick approach to reaching goals, and there needs to be a treat at end of play - mine a bottle of vintage Krug!
I had a publisher interested when I made the agreement with myself not to get a pedicure until I had a contract. That fell through (it was my first query and my first draft -- having someone interested right off the starting line was too good to be true). Anyhoo, when I made that deal w/myself, I thought I would be getting that pedicure pretty soon.
Almost 2 years later... sigh. I have ammended it to when I get an agent vs a publishing contract. :)
I started writing about a characters milestones using her voice, but I was just burned out and in a self-defeating mood. So I decided to look at my own milestones.
lol FG, is a book ever really really really done?
Funniest Blogfest Ever! has been cancelled!
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